Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Day 3 Of The Nightmare Before The Office Began

I have no idea what that title means except that it sounds cool. The good news is that I have only shredded the “SAVE” pile once by accident. It probably doesn't matter, anything that old is past its expiration date anyways. You could well argue that paper files are also past their expiration date by definition, but I am not scanning anything. If the great apocalypse comes, no one is going to care. I have also learned about the wisdom of combining things. Only the credit card I use most will get its own special and obscenely fat file. The others will have to cohabit and if I need one of the residents, I will go hunt for it, but like I said, in event of Apocalypse, it just doesn't matter. I suspect that this exercise is really an excuse to not make any serious career decisions, avoidance, I am good at that. Too good. But it does force a degree of focus on my career and becoming more serious. Besides, it will take me at least the next month to save enough money to buy the equipment I want to add to my stable of electronic gizmos, each of which is supposed to make my sales skyrocket beyond my imagination, but really only take up desk space. Maybe tomorrow I will actually o-p-e-n a file cabinet. Right now, I'm just dealing with what's on top and hoping momentum will make one of those tin boxes pop open all on its own as if by magic.

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